In January 2008 the Woodlands Federation was created by the federation of two schools: Broad Oak Community Primary School and Punnetts Town Community Primary School. In September 2014 Dallington Church of England Primary School joined Woodlands Federation, creating a three-school federation. Unfortunately, following an area review by East Sussex County Council, Broad Oak Community Primary School closed on 31st August 2020. The federation is once more a two-school federation.
Woodlands Federation has two Headteachers and Governing Board who work together with dedicated and experienced staff, all of whom are passionate about providing the very best primary education for all our children. The two schools are different but share the common belief that by working together we can maximise the learning opportunities that we can give to our pupils and staff.
In Partnership We Grow & Learn Together
Love & Care, Respect & Friendship
Headteacher of
Dallington CEPS
Paul Cox
Chair of Governors
Monica Pell
Clerk to the Governing Board
Kim Venner
Headteacher of
Punnetts Town CPS
Claire Kinsella

Dallington CE Primary School
The Street
East Sussex
TN21 9NH
01435 830335

Punnetts Town Community Primary School
Battle Road
Punnetts Town
East Sussex
TN21 9DE
01435 830361